We are a dynamic group that celebrates the rich tapestry of our diverse backgrounds, drawing inspiration from various states and symbols that represent our shared values and passions. From the blue states that advocate for progress and inclusion to the red states that emphasize tradition and individualism, we believe in the power of dialogue across the political spectrum. Our "blue wall" states symbolize resilience and unity among communities striving for common goals. Sports pride runs deep in our group, evidenced by our love for the Florida Marlins hat, which not only reflects a fondness for baseball but also represents the spirit of teamwork and camaraderie. Furthermore, our collection of North Carolina challenge coins signifies our commitment to honoring military service and fostering a sense of belonging. Lastly, we find pride in our Virginia state heritage, a region known for its rich history and natural beauty. Together, we embrace these elements to build a community that values understanding, connection, and an unwavering commitment to each other and our shared future.